Team Approach
LEading Edge Design
Reduce Cost
The team approach is used by Mancor engineering and the customer’s application group in the process determination and costing of our products is instrumental to the success of program launch. We believe in value engineering and sharing the future savings with our customers.
Mancor has leading edge new design capability with Solid Works and we utilize this capability to collaborate with our customers on design for manufacturability. Our customers have design authority for the products that we make but it is our responsibility to design innovative production processes to make these products. What differentiates us from others is our ability to come up with cost optimum processes that utilize the right combination of capital, labor and material to produce the part for the lowest total cost.
Mancor encourages and supports concurrent engineering to reduce cost in the design stage of part development. Here the costs of changing designs are minimal compared to when a part is already tooled and in production.